Press Release for Global Marathon by Enlightenment Education

Enlightenment Education
4 min readApr 22, 2022

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” — Helen Keller

And together Dr Jawahar Shah, his team at Enlightenment Education & the global Homeopathy fraternity has created history with the biggest event i.e., 3-day Global Marathon Webinar Series between 8th April to 10th April 2022

Theme was ‘Practical Homeopathy which can be applied to your practice’

· It was the biggest celebration of Dr Samuel Hahnemann- the Father of Homeopathy’s birthday

· 27,400+ delegates registered from 100+ countries registered!

· 68+ World class global teachers shared continuous learning over 72 hours

· Our collective efforts succeeded in bringing together practitioners, students, teachers, colleges, associations, boards, journals, websites and each one from the global Homeopathic fraternity from over 100+ countries on one platform.

· In case if you have missed the event, you can still view the sessions, through the recording. Viewing link will be made available soon.

· We request you to share this link with your subscribers/ readers/ viewers so that they too can benefit from this huge plethora of learning

They say, a “dream does not become reality through Magic, but through constant determination and hard work”- and we saw this in reality when our efforts were appreciated by our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji

It is a win, not of a single person, but for the entire Homeopathic fraternity- and it also imparts a very valuable learning-

If we come together and work with one aim nothing is impossible!

PM Modi’s Ji appreciation

Esteemed speakers like Dr. Gustavo Cataldi M.D., Dr. R. K Manchanda, Dr Farokh Master, Dr Ashley Ross, Dr. Kumar Dhawale, Robin Pollock, Dr. Ananda More, Dr Med Heiner Frei, Richard Pitcairn, Dr. Divya Chhabra, Karen Allen, Marcelo Garzon, Cathy Lemmon, Dr Kavitha Kukunoor, Andreas Holling, Dr Vijay & Daxa Vaishnav, Maxine McLean, Dr Parinaz Humranwala, Dr. Akshay Banker and Dr. Nina Banker, Dr. Navin Pawaskar, Dr Ajit Kulkarni, Dr Samir Chaukkar, Dr. Jawahar Shah and many more! Shared their practical experience and learning

Here are the highlights from the sessions of our keynote speakers from the Hahnemann Day Global Marathon:

Dr. R. K Manchanda from India, Organizing Secretary of Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis (LMHI)in Homoeopathy presented about ‘Research Methodology’- a sought after topic in researchers and PG students. He explained in detail the concept, approaches, and application of Research Methodology.

Gustavo Alberto Cataldi from Argentia is the President in Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis since 2019. He has been National Vice-President for Argentina in Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis from 2008 to 2012. Secretary for Education in Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis from 2013 to 2016. And the Prime Vice-President in Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis 2016 to 2019.

Dr. Cataldi spoke about the evolution of the concept of Dynamics right from the times of Samuel Hahnemann until the time of Paschero. He discussed the different concepts through different times- how it affected the prescriptions and Homeopathy practice.

Dr. Kishore Mehta, from India is a consulting Homeopath since 36 years, an academician and teacher of teachers spoke about different aspects of Homeopathic practice, different approaches and rational decision making with the help of evidence-based cases. The title of his talk was ‘Rational Homeopathic Practice’.

Dr Jawahar Shah is a successful clinician and a dedicated Homeopath from India with five Generations following Homoeopathy and a busy practice since last 45 years. Dr Shah specializes in treating cases of Bronchial Asthma, Allergies, Autism, Pain relief in Cancer cases

He is an academician- who has delivered more than 500 lectures across, 22 countries. He is the founder of world the Largest Homeopathic Database and Decision Support System- HOMPATH with satisfied users across 133 countries.

Through this session, Dr Shah will be shared some unique insights on- The 12 C’s you require to succeed in life. He will also be sharing about Similimum- the law of life, which is not just something that Homoeopaths seek; it is a law of life. Join Dr Shah in this path breaking lecture and take home a learning you have never heard before.

Dr. Kavitha Kukunoor, a leading Homeopath, entrepreneur in USA, President & CEO — Kavitha Holistic Approach and the Founder & Director of KHA Homeopathy Study Group, chose a very interesting topic for this marathon session. She spoke on Homeopathic Approach of Colour and Sound Remedies. She explained in depth about these colour and sound remedies and how these remedies are prepared and prescribed.

Dr. Daxa Vaishnav, from USA has a rich experience of healing with homeopathy. She has treated 1000’s of women patients globally.

Through her session, Dr. Daxa shared her expertise regarding the approach to the management of Gynaecology and Obstetrics cases with Homeopathy. She discussed the most common Gynaecology and Obstetrics conditions one comes across during Homeopathy practice along with their Homeopathic remedies.

However, this is not the end-

But just a beginning to something amazing, wonderful, life changing and path breaking.

This Hahnemann Day Global Marathon was just a curtain raiser for our upcoming Mission Success.

A Mission to give wings to the dreams of every Homeopath in this world, to grow and practice Homeopathy with full confidence- no matter how complex the disease is; to achieve the lifestyle they deserve and desire and ultimately to make the global Homeopathy community stronger.

John F Kennedy once said- ‘If one person can make a difference, everyone should try” and today I am requesting each one of you to join me in our Mission Success and make an effort so as to create a ‘Healthy Harmonious Homeopathic World’.

As we begin this journey, we need your support, with the same energy and enthusiasm- so that the global Homeopathy fraternity can soar to new and unimaginable heights of success.

